
Covid 19 Policy- Feb 2022

HTG Partners is committed to looking after our client’s needs and we apologise for any inconveniences during these difficult and unprecedented times. We are notifying all of our clients in…

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2020 Year End Tax Planning

2020 YEAR END TAX PLANNING Time is running out to determine if there is any scope to reduce your 2020 year-end tax liability. Tax minimisation strategies encompasses a number of…

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The Federal Budget 2019 – At a glance

At A GlanceA campaign based budget set to define the battle ground for the imminent Federal Election. The Instant Asset Write-Off Increased to $30,000 The Government has announced that effective…

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The New Tax Landscape for 2018

In line with the ever evolving world of taxation legislation we have summarized below an overview of the new legislation that is relevant to small business, self-managed superfunds, CGT, GST…

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2017 Tax Updates for Businesses

It’s important to keep up to date with changes from the ATO to find out what updates could be affecting your business. Here is a summary of some recent tax…

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